Father's Day is June 16th, so it's time to reflect on the incredible fathers and father figures we’ve met over this past year and the stories they have shared with us. Whether pointing out all the buildings he’s worked on or lived in over the years, or letting us know what life was like 'Back in my day....' Dad is always good for a story.
Possibly more important than the dates, places, facts, and figures about their lives, I love to ask for words of advice. While we don't have the chance to rewrite history, we can learn from others and use their stories to shape our present and future. Some good questions to ask your loved ones include:
What have you learned in life?
What would you do differently?
What would you say to your younger self?
What (or more likely who) was it all for?

“If I could go back, I’d tell my younger self to keep studying and be something. Travel the world. Be honest. Take care of yourself physically and surround yourself with good people.” -Percy V.
“It’s important to treat people with respect and act honestly. Don’t cut corners. I learned to keep my word and have a good work ethic. It really helped that I loved what I was doing, and work never felt like work.” -Earl I.
“My dad used to say to me, ‘There are some people in life that need a butt kicking,’ But after a long career as a police officer, I learned that the majority of people are good people. I’ve kept that in mind my whole life. If you harbor hatred, it will poison you. I've seen people get off drugs, get out of gangs, and straighten themselves out. I never lost faith in people because I saw first hand how people can change for the better.” -Bill J.

“If I could tell my younger self one thing, I would tell him not to give up and go after those dreams. Take difficult things by the horns, but also, don’t burn your bridges! There were a couple of instances where I did and wished I hadn’t. I achieved a lot more in life than I ever thought possible. As a kid, I was just getting by, but hard work took me to the next level.” -Larry L.
"I never make big decisions on the spot. I like to think, really think, before making a big decision, and I think that has served me well. I don’t dwell too much about the past and try not to worry about the future. I try to stay present and take things as they come. If I could go back and tell my younger self, I would tell him that life went smoothly, and God has been very kind.” -Jawahar H.
"If I could go back, I’d tell myself that the future is a hell of a lot brighter than right now. It won’t always be like this.” -Bill D.
"I hope my family knows that I devoted my life to them. There was always a reason for my compulsion to work and do well and make money. It was always for them. And none of it would have been possible if it wasn’t for the love of my life.” -Tony S.