I go about my life like most people, with a range of emotions from boredom to excitement to anxious to zen—sometimes in the same hour. Typical woman, the less educated might think. When really it's how lucky.
I should admit that not so long ago, I had a history of numbing myself to the less pleasurable of life’s mood swings. Chardonnay was my false friend. Who likes to feel uncomfortable, sad, or fearful? Not this one. But through the grace of a power greater than mine, I’ve learned a better way to go about life. Feelings do pass, better just embrace the ride.
It’s a great parallel to this job. Listening to life stories gives me the opportunity to feel… a boatload. Whether I’m hearing about the loss of a loved one or the joy that only a baby or grandchild can bring, I feel it all--right along with them. I sit beside them, crying, laughing, nodding, all while trying to keep pace with their story’s twists and turns while hopefully keeping the tears and snot off my keyboard. It’s beautiful—this chance to laugh and cry almost every day.
I’m proud of that range of emotion today. I like to think it keeps life interesting. How are you going to feel life today? (Now pass that Kleenex box, will you?)